

Cross Study on Poems from Liao,Jin and Yuan Dynasties
摘要 辽金元三朝诗是在民族文化融合的历史背景下发展的,是中国韵体文学史上不可或缺的环节,显示了独特的风貌和魅力,有一定的历史贡献。辽诗以圣宗即位为断,分为前后二期。金诗经历了前、中、后三个发展时期,尤以金、元易代之际为繁盛,出现了彪炳千载的艺术大师元好问。元诗发展大体与蒙古统一北方、统一全国和元明鼎革的历史进程相对应。早期的北方诗人群、一统后的元诗四家、衔接中、后二期的萨都剌和易代之际铁崖诗派领袖杨维桢等一大批诗人是镶嵌于元诗史上的明珠。元诗为题画诗、边塞诗、竹枝词、宫词、奁体诗、咏物诗等部类都提供了新的基质。元代北方民族诗人群体的出现也成为引人瞩目的现象。 The poems from Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties were developed in the background of cultural merge of different nationalities, and are indispensable links in China's history of rhyme literature. They demonstrate unique features and charm, and have made some historical contribution to literature. Liao poems can be divided into former part and latter part by the mark of emperor Shengzhong's crowning. Jin poems experienced three developing period: the early period, the middle period and the later period, blooming at the turn of Jin and Yuan Dynasties, producing Yuan Haowen, the eternal master in poem. Yuan poem developed with the historic process of Mongolian's unification of the north part of China, the unification of the whole country and the division of the country by Yuan and Ming Dynasties. The pearls on the crown of the history of Yuan poems are the north poets group in early period, the four masters Yuan poem after the unification of the country, Sa Duci in middle and late period, and the Tieya poet school represented by Yang Weizhen at the turn of the dynasties. The Yuan poems provide new basic materials for subtitle poem for paintings, frontier poems, bamboo poems, court Ci Poems, delicate poems, article praising poems, etc. It should also be noted that in Yuan Dynasty, there appeared in northern nationalities groups of poets.
作者 刘达科
出处 《太原师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第4期72-77,共6页 Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 辽朝 金代 元朝 诗歌 民族文化 中国 韵体文学 文学研究 Liao Jin and Yuan Dynasties poems merge of nationality cultures
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  • 1[2]周惠泉,杨佐义.辽金元文学史话[M]. 长春:吉林人民出版社,1998.









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