福柯认为15世纪到20世纪的西方绘画被两大原则支配:相似性原则与对等性原 则。《宫娥》集中表现着油画所代表的相似性原则起作用的过程,而马格利特的两幅《这不是 一只烟斗》则用可见的技术展示着福柯所指出的两大原则解体的过程。绘画所追求的应该是展 示绘画本身的知识,及生产极其丰富的形象,反对寻找绘画背后的意义。通过福柯对于绘画的 论述,绘画通过身体而呈现世界真理的神圣角色被瓦解了,传统的“凝神观照”观看模式也丧 失了崇高的地位。
According to Foucault, there were two dominating principles in western painting from the fifteenth century to the twentieth century: resemblance and affirmation. Les Meninas intensively showed how the principle of resemblance functioned represented by painting. Rene Magritte' s serials of pipe paintings showed the process of how the two principles disintegrated. What painting should inquire is to show the knowledge of painting itself, to produce innumerable images, and to oppose looking for meanings inside painting. 3hrough Foucauh's discussing about painting, the divine role of painting to emblematize the truth of the world through the body deteriorated.
Journal of Beijing Youth Politics College