Operators suffer much diffieulty in manipulating miero-size objects without the assistance of friendly interfaces due to the scaling effects in micro worht. The paper presented a general framework for mieromanipulation robot hased on virtual reality technology. With the framework we brought forward a FDH (Fixed Direction Hulls) based hounding box method to handle the eollision ,teteetion of the peg-in-hole mieroassembly. The eollision response model for the collision between micro needle and hole was presented. The virtual three and corresponding displacement were calculated with the model of bending deformation and pressing ,teformation. Experiments verify the validity of collision response model.
Operators suffer much difficulty in manipulating micro-size objects without the assistance of friendly interfaces due to the scaling effects in micro world. The paper presented a general framework for micromanipulation robot based on virtual reality technology. With the framework we brought forward a FDH (Fixed Direction Hulls) based bounding box method to handle the collision detection of the peg-in-hole microassembly. The collision response model for the collision between micro needle and hole was presented. The virtual force and corresponding displacement were calculated with the model of bending deformation and pressing deformation. Experiments verify the validity of collision response model.