基于脉宽调制(PWM)的AC/DC功率双向变流器作为主要功率变换电路,在许多实际应用的电力电子系统中得到广泛应用,如统一电能质量调节器中的有源电力滤波器系统、交-直-交变频调速系统中的整流或逆变部分、电源系统的逆变器、再生能源并网发电系统中的逆变器以及灵活交流输电系统中的统一潮流控制器等等。在各种应用系统中,人们建立其数学模型进行系统分析和控制设计以满足系统目标。PWM 整流器数学模型的研究是PWM整流器及其控制技术研究的基础,本文研究介绍了目前较为流行的四种建模方法,并分别分析其特点及应用。
As one power converter, PWM AC/DC converter is widely applied to various power electronics systems such as active power filter system for power quality conditioner, rectifier/inverter for AC-DC-AC variable frequency drive of motor, inverter for supplier, inverter for distribution generation of renewable energy, and unified power flow controller for flexible AC transmission system. So it is necessary to develop the Mathematics model nfthe PWM converters, which is of great importance to the study of control techniques of PWM converters. This paper presents four popular modeling methods switching function modeling, duty cycle modeling, discrete time modeling and Lagrange modeling and compares with each other on features and applications.
The World of Inverters