本文报道蛋白质含量不同的饲料对树鼩(Tupaia belangeri chinensis)氮平衡的影响。五组成长期树鼩(共30只)分别喂以蛋白质含量为10%,15%,20%,25%和30%的配合饲料,为时15天。五组树鼩日均氮的沉积量依次为64.7±18.2毫克,157.6±16.6毫克,276.4±39.4毫克,485.2±73.1毫克和494.1±83.9毫克;氮的沉积率分别为14.9±4.7%,28.8±6.3%,35.2±6.9%,50.6±1.9%和40.4±7.4%。据统计学分析各组日均氮沉积量和沉积率差异极为显著(P<0.01)。实验结果表明,树鼩饲料中蛋白质的含量以25%较为合适。按采食量折算生长树鼩每日每千克体重应进食52.0~62.0克蛋白质。
The present paper dealt with the feed containt different proteins influences the nitrogen balance in tree shrews. For a period of 15-days, five groups of tree shrews (total of 30) were fed formula feeds containing 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% crude protein, respectively. The mean daily deposited nitrogen amount of five group animals was 64.7±18.2mg, 157.4± 16.6 mg, 276.4± 39.4mg, 485.2± 73.1 mg, and 494.1 ± 83.9 mg, respectively. The mean nitrogen deposited rate of five group animals was 14.9±4.7%, 28.8±6.3%, 35.2 ±6.9%, 50.6±1.9%, and 40.4±7.4%, separately. According to statistical analysis, there are extremely remarkable differences between five group animals in the mean daily deposited nitrogen amount and the mean nitrogen deposited rate (P<0.01). The above results indicate that the formula feed containing 25% crude protein is advantageous to the health of growing tree shrews and saving on feeding cost under our feeding condition, or more accurately, it is appropriate that a growing tree shrews ingests 52.0-62.0 g crude protein/kg body weight per day.
Tree shrew, Protein, Formula feed, Nitrogen balance