
黑叶猴(Presbytis francoisi)和菲氏叶猴(P.phayrei)的动脉

摘要 本文对黑叶猴和菲氏叶猴的动脉作了系统解剖观察,记述了这二种叶猴动脉分支的主要特征。同时还与其他灵长类作了比较和讨论。结果表明,叶猴的动脉除具有猴超科共同特征外,有些特征表明与类人猿相似,比其他猴类更为进化;部分特征似为叶猴所特有。 Based on 11 anatomic specimens, including 7 for Francois' leaf monkeys Presbytis f. francoisi (2 males and 5 females), P. f. leucocephalus (I female, and 3 for Phayre's leaf monkeys P. phayrei (3 females), musculature of the upper and lower limbs of two leaf monkeys were studied and compared with those in other primates. The results showed: in regard to most myological characteristics two leaf monkeys share plesiomorphous ones with Cercopithe-coidea, and some of them are similar to that of the anthropoids. However, there also exist some differences compared with the monkeys. The shared features in two leaf monkeys are as follows: 1. There is a thin lacertus f-ibrosus, 2. In most specimens of two leaf monkeys exist mm. coracobrachialis me-dialis and profundus, but the latter is absent in one specimen of the Ph-ayre's leaf monkeys. 3. M. brachialis is supplied by n. medianus and n. musculocutaneus. But the muscle can not be divided as two separated parts. 4. M. pronator teres has only one head, the deep one is absent. 5. There exist not the origin on the ulna and radius for m. flexor digitorum superficialis. 6. The tendons of the m. flexor digitorum profundus for the thumb derive entirely from radial part of this muscle, which is similar to that of the anthropoids. 7. The origin of them, brachioradialis extends up to the mid-upper third of the humerus, or even more. 8. M. extensor digiti quinti proprius give rise to the tendons to the fourth and fifth fingers. 9. No m. extensor pollicis brevis is present. But a small tendonal bundle connecting tendon of m. extensor pollicis longus, derives from the inscr-tional tendons of the m. abductor pollicis longus for the first metacarpal bone in two specimens of the Francois' and Phayre's leaf monkeys. This might represent the m. extensor pollicis brevis. 10. The tendons of the m. extensor digiti secundi proprius go to the Ⅰ and Ⅱ fingers. 11. Only one head, the superficial one, of the m. flexor pollicis brevis exists. 12. The head of m. adductor pollicis can not be differentiated into transverse and oblique ones. 13. There exist three mm. constrahentes digitorum manus which go to finger Ⅱ , Ⅲ and Ⅴ, and finger Ⅲ serves as the central axis. 14. No origin of the m. glutaeus maximus exists on the ischia. 15. Except one of the Phayre's leaf monkcyr, m. scansorius was not found. 16. M, gemellus is a single sheet. 17. The-m. rectus femoris has both straight and reflected heads. 18. M. pectineus is compossed of two divisions which are supplied by n, obturatoris and n. femoris. 19. M. biceps femoris has only one ishiac origin, the long head. 20. M. tibialis anterior consists of two separated divisions. 21. The skeletal oringin of the m. extensor hallucis longus in Francois's leaf monkeys arises from both tibia and fibula, but just from fibula in Phayre's leaf monkeys. 22. The tendons of the m. plantaris contribute mostly to the aponeurasis plantaris. 23. Four tendons coming from m, flexor digitorum brevis and m. flexor hallucis brevis go to the medial 4 digits. 24. Mm. contrahentes digitorum pedis are 3 in number, which go to the digits 2 , 4 and 5 respsctively. The central exis is at the digit 3. 25. Numbers of the mm. interosisei pedis is seven. The central axis is at digit 3.
出处 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 1989年第A00期19-28,共10页 动物学研究(英文)
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 黑叶猴 菲氏叶猴 动脉 灵长类 Francois leaf monkey (Presbytis francoisi), Phayre' leaf monkey (P. phayrei), Primates, Musculature of Upper and Lower Limbs
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