AIM: To produce high titer PC-1 protein rabbit polyclonal antibody and explore PC-1 function.
METHODS: The experiment was carried out in the Chinese PLA Academy of Military Medical Sciences between February and August 2004. Rabbit polyclonal antibody were produced by utilizing GST fusion proteins of PC-1 Protein and its N-terminal 46 amino acids (GST- PC-1 and GST-PC- 1-46), as antigen and an improved immune method. The antisera were purified with protein A affinity chromatography. PC-1 Protein expression was detected by enzyme-linked immunoabsordent assay (ELISA), Western blot and immunohistochemical method.
RESULTS: (1) The titers of two rabbits' polyclonal antibody were 1:12 800 and 1:51 200. (2) PC-1 was highly expressed in high malignant prostate cancer cell C4-2, but only expressed by a small amount in low malignant prostate cancer cell LNCaP. (3) After immunohistochemical staining, the C4-2 and LNCaP cells containing PC-1 protein showed positive reaction, obvious pigmenting could be observed in cytoplasm, but no pigmenting was observed in vacuole-like nuclei, indicating that PC-1 protein mainly distributed in cytoplasm.
CONCLUSION: By means of improved immunological method, the PC-1 protein rabbit polyclonal antibodies have been obtained, which can be used in ELISA analysis, Western blot and immunohistochemical experiments.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation