
肿瘤相关基因Cap43在胰腺癌中的表达及意义 被引量:4

Enhanced expression of Cap43 gene in pancreatic cancer.
摘要 目的研究肿瘤相关基因Cap43在胰腺癌组织中的表达情况,探讨其对胰腺癌的诊断价值。方法收集1999年4月~2002年8月长海医院外科手术切除胰腺癌标本和癌旁正常组织33例,诊断均由病理证实。男性22例,女性11例,年龄30~73岁,平均58.1岁。所有组织标本按肿瘤、癌旁(正常)配对。采用RT-PCR和Northern杂交方法研究Cap43 mRNA表达情况。结果 RT-PCR结果显示,Cap43在肿瘤组织中表达显著上调,其在肿瘤组织和癌旁正常组织的扫描值分别为4 033±1 986和2 244±1 145,有显著差异(P<0.001)。Northern杂交亦显示Cap43在肿瘤组织中表达显著上调,相同病例的RT-PCR结果与Northern杂交的结果有较好的一致性,经回归分析,没有显著性差异(P>0.1)。结论 Cap43在胰腺癌组织中呈显著高表达,其有可能成为胰腺癌早期诊断的重要标志物。 Objective To investigate the expression of Cap43 gene in human pancreatic cancer, and evaluate the diagnostic value for early pancreatic cancer. Methods From Apr. 1999 to Aug. 2002, 33 pancreatic cancer and near-tumor normal tissues were obtained in Changhai Hospital from 33 patients (22 male and 11 female) whose age ranged from 30 to 73 years with a mean of 58.1. The diagnosis was confirmed pathologically in all patients. The neoplasm and normal tissues were matched pairs. Results RT-PCR analysis showed that Cap43 gene was highly up-regulated and expressed in pancreatic cancer, The density of Semi-quantitative RT-PCR products of Cap43 was 4 033 ± 1 986 and 2 244 ± 1 145 (P 〈 0. 001). Northern blotting analysis also showed that Cap43 gene was highly expressed in tumor tissues, which was consistent with semi-quantitative RT-PCR (P 〉 0. 1). Conclusions Cap43 gene is overexpressed in pancreatic cancer compared to low level of expression in normal pancreatic tissues, and would prove to be a new and important tumor marker of pancreatic cancer.
出处 《胰腺病学》 2005年第4期207-209,共3页 Chinese JOurnal of Pancreatology
基金 上海市科委发展基金(994119044) 军队重大临床技术项目
关键词 胰腺肿瘤 基因表达 CAP43 Pancreatic neoplasms Gene expression Cap43
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