
应用SME/EDX和ICP-AES检测元素成份判定致伤工具 被引量:7

The application of EDX and ICP-AES in inducing metal injury implements
摘要 目的应用扫描电镜/能谱联合分析仪(Scanning electron microscopy&Energy dispersive X-ray apparatus SEM/EDX)和电感耦合原子发射等离子光谱(inductively coupled plasma-atom emission spectrometer ICP-AES)对金属致伤工具本身及所致创口残留物元素成分分析,探讨两者在推断认定此类工具的应用条件及价值。方法镀层和普通铁质工具在乳猪皮肤各致创5例,SEM/EDX对创口内遗留金属颗粒元素检测;用标准样品检测实验方法的精确度;普通铁质工具于刀背、刀刃处各取5个样本,ICP-AES测定元素成分与含量。结果镀锌工具所致创口中存在单一含有锌的金属颗粒,镀黄铜工具则同时含有锌和铜,未发现其它元素;不锈钢或普通铁质菜刀创口中,发现同时含有铁、铬、硅或铁、锰、硅的颗粒;除5号菜刀外同一把铁质菜刀在刀刃、刀背处元素含量无明显差别;ICP-AES分析表明不锈钢菜刀之间在铬、锰、硅、铜、钼和5号刀背部以及其他铁质菜刀在锰、硅元素含量差别具有显著意义,5号刀刃部锰、硅、钼、钛、磷、硫、镍元素RSD明显升高。结论SEM/EDX可以通过创口的检测对金属致伤工具进行种类的推断认定,ICP-AES则可在同种类致伤工具中进行相对同一的判定有应用价值。 Objective Explore the consequences of Scanning Electron Microscopy/ Energy Disperse X -ray Assay(SEM/EDX) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer (ICP- AES) in inducing the metal injury implements. Methods Examined metal particles in 5 wounds made on the skin of little pigs respectively using Zn - Ni - coated spanners, Cu - coated pipes and carbon metal kitchen knife by SEM/EDX . 5 samples from the body and blade were analysised separately in the contents and varieties of elements by PSC. Result In the wounds by Zn - Ni - coated spanners, Cu - coated pipes, the particles only contained Zn, Ni or Cu, Zn, no other elements. In the wounds by carbon metal kitchen knives, the particles containing Fe, Cr, Si or Fe, Mn, Si were found. Except number 3 for non - coated kitchen implements, the differences of contents of elements between the body and blade were not significant, and the significant differences of contents of elements exited in Cr, Mn, Si, Cu, Mo, among the stainless kitchen knifes, Mn, Si among the carbon metal kitchen knives and for the blade of No. 3 knife, RSD were significant different in Mn, Si, Mo, Ti, S, P, Ni ( P 〈 0. 001 ). Conclusion Using EDX to examine the particles in wounds can induce the varieties of metal injury implements, and we can still induce the different implements in the same class by ICP- AES.
出处 《中国法医学杂志》 CSCD 2005年第6期338-341,共4页 Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine
关键词 法医病理学 SEM/EDX ICP-AES 致伤工具 金属 Forensic pathology SEM/EDX ICP - AES Injury implement Metal
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