成都锦绣森邻地处成都市自然环境优越的温江区光华大道北侧,用地紧邻江安河。产品以联排别墅为主。建筑设计上,充分体现了现代建筑“less is more(少就是多)”的设计思想,用简洁流畅的建筑语言,重视空间的塑造和空间的体验。
Closely adjacent to Jiang an River,the project plot is located on the north side of Guanghua Road,Wenjiang District,Chengdu City,where it enjoys a very favorable environment conditions.The design of the project has adequately shown our design philosophy that less in more,based on which we have rebuilt up the space with our simple and eloquent architectural language.Our designers took the residential area as a small outsklds scenery town,and remade it with scenery villds.In this way the residential courtyards have become a hot topic to be addressed in the architecture.