
构建大学网络教学资源中心 被引量:32

Constructing e-learning resources centers for universities
摘要 大学网络教学资源中心建设是高等教育信息化建设的重要内容。本文强调校内共建共享建设教学资源中心的建设目标,并且为校际共享奠定基础。文章着重介绍了教学资源中心的系统架构,并分析了建设资源中心的关键问题及解决方案。然后分析了资源中心的运行方式,指出资源中心在数字校园中的重要地位。文章最后介绍了构建网络教学资源中心的实践经验。 Education informalization is one kind of the profound reforms in education development history. Construction of educational resources is the basis of education informalization. To promote vigorously joint development, mutual employment and application of the quality resources is the main content of education informalization. The authors of this article take the view that the issue of joint development, mutual employment and application of higher education resources can be divided into two levels: The internal mutual employment within higher education institutions and mutual employment within the trades, regions or states territory. They point out that if an e-learning resources centre is to established, the mechanism of joint development, mutual employment and application can be realized within higher education institutions. As for the constructing objective of internal e-learning resources centre, the authors agree that they might include two respects: First, to realize the accumulation, mutual employment and application; second, to lay sound foundation for joint development and mutual employment between institutions.In the systematic framework, the article first introduced the overall framework of the campus e-learning resources centre and then from some other respects like resources storing, users retrieval of resources, authors rights and interests, they adopted the format of distributed-style of mutual employment and storing for e-learning resources. After that, the authors gave us a brief description of five key technological issues requiring consideration when constructing the learning resources centre based on distributed storing: the standardization of resources, the technological realization of standardization of resources, the extension of systems, the mutual connection with other systems, and security of the systems.At the end of this article, the authors take the Resources Center set up by the Institute of Educational Technology in Tsinghua University as an example and provide us with a more detailed introduction of the application format for constructing the campus resources centre and dealing with resources.
出处 《中国远程教育》 北大核心 2005年第12S期52-55,共4页 Chinese Journal of Distance Education
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