本文阐述了前苏联乌克兰教育家苏霍姆林斯基校长的成功经验。他把校长视为“教育科 学与教育实践之间的中介人”,把教育思想的转化和教育信念的形成作为学校领导最重要的工作, 带领教师结合学校实际进行教育改革和教育实验,把学校的普通的教育工作,纳入到教育科学研究 的轨道,使教师平凡的教育工作具有了研究性和创造性,从而增强了教师的工作热情,提高了教师 的素质,保证了教育的质量。
The paper is a study of the successful experiments of Suchomlinskij the former principal of Soviet Union. Regarding the principal as “the bridge between education science and education practice”, he led his people in the school to undertake a change of education ideology and conceptions, carrying out a series of innovation, which resulted in great achievements in creative education research, which, in turn, raised the interest and quality of work of their own.