番鸭在南京地区进行冬、夏两批饲养,均有较强的适应性。试验结果表明:冬、夏两 批饲养的番鸭只平均重量差异不显著(P>0.05)。夏季与冬季的料重比分别为1:2.62和1: 3.07,冬季饲养的鸭子饲料利用率低,料重比大于夏季。冬季在塑料大棚中饲养番鸭精饲料减 少1/3,添加青粗饲料能达到同样的增重效果。温度与增重无相关关系,相对湿度与番鸭的增 重呈负相关(P<0.01)。鸭舍内平均温度在11.05℃-30.93℃之间,相对湿度在76.28%以 下,番鸭能正常生长发育。环境温度在9.8℃以下,番鸭的生长发育受阻,饲料利用率降低。相 对湿度在77%以上,其增重受到影响。特别在低温高湿的环境中,严重地影响番鸭的生长。在 相同的饲养期内,周平均温度9.8℃,平均相对湿度91%,番鸭周平均增重22 g,周平均温度 27.42℃,平均相对湿度71.29%,番鸭周平均增重355 g,相差333 g(P<0.01)。
Muscovey ducks feeded in winter and summer have a high adaptability. The results showed that there was no significant difference (P〉0.05) in the average body weight of Muscovey duck. The rate of feed to weight in summer and winter was 1 : 2.62 and 1 : 3.07, respectively. The utilization rate of feed of Muscovey duck in winter is lower, but higher at the rate of feed to weight than that of in summer. The dietary feed of Muscovey duck fed in the plastic canopy decreased 1/3, and had the same effect on weight gain as supplemented succulence/roughage. There was no correlation on between temperature and weight gain, which was a negative significant correlation with relative humidity(P〈0. 01). Muscovey duck can normal growth and development in the average temperature between 11.05℃-30.93℃ and the relative humidity under 76. 28%. When the environmental temperature decreased under 98℃, Muscovey ducks were cumbered in the growth and development, and had a low utilization rate of feed. When the relative humidity increased upwards 77%, the growth of Muscovey duck was influenced, especially in the condition of low temperature and high humidity. In the course of the same breeding, the body weight of Muscovey duck increased 22 g and 355 g every week in the average temperature at 9.8℃ and the average relative humidity at 91% and the average temperature at 27. 42℃ and the average relative humidity at 71.29%, respectively. There was a significant difference (P〈0. 01) between the two groups.
Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology
Muscovey duck
season environment