
鼓索神经对听骨链重建术中纯音听阈测试结果的比较 被引量:4

Results of chorda tympani nerve application or no in tympanoplasty
摘要 目的:论证鼓索神经对听骨链重建的作用。方法:141例(154耳)患者分成3组:①鼓索神经弹压组(索弹组)35例(41耳)。鼓膜穿孔,鼓索尚存,臼柱即PORP或枪柱即TORP都在听骨外侧横行磨一细槽,嵌入鼓索神经,使鼓索神经能稳定弹压听骨,不使其移位。②残余鼓膜弹压组(膜弹组)67例(72耳)。用鼓膜弹压听骨。③无弹压组(无弹组)39例(41耳)。3组分别进行术前、术后气骨导差(ABG)自身配对St检验,并作术后ABG差值的两两对比和St检验。结果:显效、有效、无效率索弹组分别为:29.3%,51.2%,19.5%;膜弹组分别为:22.2%,50.0%,27.8%;无弹组分别为:19.5%,36.6%,43.9%;与无弹组比较,均P<0.01。索弹组和膜弹组的术前、后ABG差值分别与无弹组比较,均P<0.05。索弹组1耳术后有暂时味觉减退,1耳有迟发性轻度面瘫,均2周内自愈。结论:索弹听骨能使听骨稳定,获得良好的听力改善,不必二期手术;也不产生味觉及面神经功能障碍。 Objective:To demonstrate the effect of chorda tympani nerve used in tympanoplasty. Method: One hundred and forty-one cases (154 ears) were divided into 3 groups: ①chorda applying group (CA) 35 cases (41 ears): had perforation in pars tensa but chorda nerve still exist, the nerve were applied to spring and press a PORP or TORP prosthesis which were made by auto-osseous tissue and had a fine groove for nerve inlay. ②residual pars tensa applying group (RTP) 67cases (72 ears) : residual pars tensa was used to spring and press prosthesis. ③no applying group (NA) 39 cases (41 ears). The effect measurement: ABG over 30 dB as excellent over 15 dB as effective; less than 10 dB as noneffective. Three groups were analyzed by S- t test. Result: Excellent, effective and noneffective ears(%) ;CA group: 29.3%, 51.2%, 19.5%;RPT group: 22.2%, 50.0%,27.8%;NA group: 19.5 %, 36.6 %, 43.9 %; the previous two groups contrast with NA group, P 〈0.01. Pre-and post-operation ABG odds and paired contract:CA and NA, P 〈0.05;RTP and NA, P 〈0.05. In CA group only one ear had taste letdown temporarily and another ear had delayed and mild facial paralysis, both were auto-recovered within two weeks. Conclusion:Chorda tympani nerve applied in tympanoplasty for spring and press prosthesis can make PORP or TORP prosthesis more steady and improve hearing.
出处 《临床耳鼻咽喉科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期6-8,共3页 Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology
基金 上海市医学重点专科建设基金资助项目(N2005001)
关键词 鼓室成形术 鼓索神经 听骨重建 Tympanoplasty Chorda tympani nerve Auditory rehabilitation
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