
弱势群体的平等受教育权与我国高等教育政策的调整 被引量:1

On the equal rights to receive education for the disadvantaged groups and the regulation of China’s higher education policy
摘要 维护并实现公平正义,是构建和谐社会的必然要求,也是和谐社会的重要特征。然而,随着我国高等教育向大众化阶段的迈进,社会弱势群体受高等教育不公平问题也越发凸显。从保护弱势群体受教育权的必要性角度出发,结合扩招以来弱势群体遭遇的尴尬入学实际,拟从政治、经济、法律、道德等层面,提出"建立一个基本理念,完善两种支持,进行三项改革"的解决意见。 To safeguard and realize the equality and justice is the natural requirement and significant characteristics to build up a harmonious society. However, with China's higher education entry into the popularization period, the inequality to receive education for disadvantaged groups is getting more and more noticeable. From the necessity to safeguard the equal rights to receive education for the disadvantaged groups and with the combination of the embarrassing situation of enrollment of dis- advantaged groups since Chinese universities provided wider access to higher education, the authors of this paper suggest solutions by "setting up one fundamental ideology terns and conducting three reforms" by means of politics, economy, , perfecting two supporting syslaw and morality.
出处 《西安欧亚学院学报》 2006年第1期19-22,共4页 Journal of xi‘an Eurasia University
关键词 和谐社会 弱势群体 高等教育 公平 harmonious society disadvantaged groups higher education equality
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  • 2现代西方史学流派文选.上海人民出版社,1982,201.
  • 3"教育体系给学生升级,也给学生降级.那些在考试中不及格的人……就变得灰心了,因为这个体系本身使学生心灵上燃烧起来的期望没有能够实现.一个人由于他的学校教育水平提高而提高了他的社会地位.这种体系是保护杰出人才的.实行这种教育体系的结果使受教育者之间发生了不顾一切的互相竞争."参见《学会生存--教育世界的今天和明天》.106.
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