目的:探讨导管置入电解铂金微弹簧圈(GDC)栓塞治疗颅内动脉瘤患者的护理。方法:术前重点要做好准备工作,包括病人准备,及介入室的准备,制定术中可能发生问题的防治措施;备齐抢救药物及特殊导管器械;术中严密监测生命体征,采取措施预防并发症。结果:本组39例恢复良好, 1例出现偏瘫等并发症,经治疗后于2个月内恢复正常。结论:充分做好术前准备,术中医护默契配合,术后预防各种并发症是手术成功的必要条件。
Objective: To explore the perioperntive nursing about Intraeranial Aneurysm patients received coils embolization therapy by catheter. Methods: Before the interventional therapy, preparations were well done, including the preparations of patients, emergency medicine, the interventional room, and making out the measures to manage what may occur in operation. During the interventional therapy, monitoring life symoptoms, taking measures to prevent complications were also put into practice. Result, 39 patients recovered completely right after the interventional therapy, 1 has hemiplegia but recovered completely after 2 months. Coonelusing: Doing full preparatron, watchful monitorig cooperation coordination and preventing complications are very importent.
Journal of Qilu Nursing