懿翎的长篇小说《把绵羊和山羊分开》用狂欢化的形式展现了文革中 一群被流放到偏僻小县的知识分子的悲剧命运,从中折射出那个时代的荒谬 性。在荒谬面前,无论是躲避它,还是一味在这泥淖中苦苦挣扎,都只会加剧 人生的悲剧性,只有直面荒谬,并敢于用乐观的态度嘲弄它,用顽强的意志同 它相抗争,才能真正战胜它。
Separate the Sheep From the Goat, the novel written by Yi Ling exultantly exposed the tragedy and absurdity of the intellectuals exiled to the remote county during the Cultural Revolution. Before the absurdity, evading it or struggling against it could only intensify the tragedy of life. Only face it frankly with an optimistical deriding and tough struggling with it, could they really conquer it.
Theoretic Observation