文章首先阐述了开发《机械原理》CAI系统的必要性,进而通过与其他软件的对比,提出采用Fro-ntPage2000、D reamweaverMX和F lash相结合的多媒体开发工具,实现网络《机械原理》CAI系统的开发。重点通过课件总体框架、界面设计、脚本设计和链接方式介绍了CAI系统的开发过程,概括了该系统所具有的特点。
This paper elaborates the necessity of the CAI system of the Theory of Mechanics . Then it uses the multimedia tools of Dreamweaver Mx combined with Frontpage2000 and Flash for the development of CAI system through the contrast of other software. This paper emphasizes CAI system through the total frame, the interface design, the script design thors summary the characteristics of the CAI system. the development process of and chains. Lastly, the authors summary the characteristics of the CAI system.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics(Social Science Edition)