
粤港国际物流研究:广东省国际物流业集装箱化率和集装箱生成系数分析 被引量:3

International Logistics Research of Guangdong and HongKong:Containerization Rate and Container Generation Rate Analyses of Guangdong International Logistics Industry
摘要 在经济一体化理论指导下,基于详实的统计数据并运用统计分析的方法对广东省国际集装箱运输业的两个最基本的指标(国际集装箱化率和国际集装箱生成系数)进行了定量分析。考虑到经由香港运输的国际货物与经由广东省沿海主要港口运输的国际货物的同构性,得出广东省国际集装箱化率与香港集装箱化率基本持平的结论。经统计分析并综合考虑粤港两地对国际货物的分流情形,计算出广东省制造业生成的国际集装箱总量,与外贸进出口额相除后得到广东省国际集装箱生成系数。 Based on the theory of economic unification and vast amount oi statistical data regarding to Guangdong and Hong Kong international logistics industry, this paper quantitatively analyzes the sound values of the Containerization Rate (CR) and the Container Generation Rate (CGR) of Guangdong international container transportation industry. It is concluded that the CR of Guangdong should be in the same level as that of Hong Kong based on the observation that the structure of international cargoes of two regions are the same. The total amount of containers generated by Guangdong manufacturing base is calculated through statistical analysis while considering the distributary situation of international cargoes between two regions, then the CGR is obtained by dividing the obtained value with corresponding import and export value.
作者 王爱虎
出处 《工业工程与管理》 2005年第6期120-123,共4页 Industrial Engineering and Management
基金 广东省第五批科技三项经费计划项目(软科学项目)(2004B70102058) 广东省哲学社会科学"十五"规划项目(03/04L09)
关键词 国际物流 集装箱化率 集装箱生成系数 粤港 international logistics containerization rate container generation rate Guangdong Hong Kong
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