
演化经济学的形成与发展 被引量:7

Formation and Development of Evolutionary Economics
摘要 早期的演化经济学关注经济学与生物学的相似性,不过并没有提出明确的经济演化思想。凡勃伦将达尔文主义引入经济学,从而开始了旧演化经济学的时代,此后,熊彼特、阿尔其安等人提出了经济演化的选择机制、选择单位、有限理性等基本原理,但他们并没有突破新古典主义的束缚。纳尔森、温特在旧演化经济学的基础上,借鉴了生物学、复杂科学的思想,形成了一个较为完善的新演化经济学框架。新演化经济学仍然存在不足,早期的演化思想以及旧演化经济学仍然能够为新演化经济学的理论创新提供有益的借鉴。 Early evolutionary economics focuses on the resemblance, but no explicit idea of economic evolution is given. Veblen puts forward the Darwinian evolution theory into economics. Schumpeter, and Alchian some other scholars put forward the concepts of choosing mechanism, choosing units, limited nous, etc. However they do not break away from constraints of the neoclassicism. On the basis of the old evolutionary economics, Nelson and Winter borrowed ideas from biology and complexity science to rebuild a comparatively complete framework of new evolutionary economics. With some insufficiency, new evolutionary economics can still get some reference from the early evolutionary ideas and old evolutionary economics in its theoretical innovation.
作者 任力 王宁宁
出处 《西南师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期111-116,共6页 Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 经济演化 旧演化经济学 新演化经济学 economic evolution old evolutionary economies new evolutionary economics
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