
基于固定实镜像平面波展开的快速多极子方法计算微带结构问题 被引量:1

An Efficient Algorithm for Analyzing Microstrip Structures Using Fast-Multipole Algorithm Combined with Fixed Real-Image Simulated Method
摘要 将快速多极子算法应用于微带结构的一个关键技术是将矩量法中描述远区单元相互作用的Green函数用加法定理进行平面波展开.本文提出用固定实镜像方法拟合微带结构谱域Green函数进行平面波展开,对比目前常用的复镜像闭式平面波展开方法,该方法具有展开收敛性好,物理概念清晰,Green函数宽频插值方便等特点.计算实例表明了该方法的有效性和可靠性. The Discrete Complex Image Method (DCIM) is usually used to evaluate the Sommerfeld integrals for the spatial domain Green' s function. To solve large scale problems, the far-zone interactions in the Method of Moments (MoM) can be simplified using a far field approximation with the plane wave expansion. Therefore, the combination of DCIM and Fast Multipole Method (FMM) could not achieve high efficiency due to the poor convergence of the addition theorem. An effcient algorithm combing FMM and Fixed Real-Image Simulated Method (FRISM) is presented to analyze microstrip structures.The fixed image locations lead to fast and convenient computations comparing with complex image such that can be used for wide-band apphcations. The accuracy and efficiency of the novel method are verified by numerical examples.
作者 李磊 谢拥军
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期2153-2156,共4页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.60201002)
关键词 快速多极子方法 加法定理 格林函数 固定实镜像 FMM addition theorem Green' s function FRISM
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