N-Acetyl-Beta-g lucosaminidase(NAG)has been studied with the enzyme substrate(methy-lumbelliferone-N- Acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase)fluo-rescence assay in the urine of 59 patients with severe-ly burned. The results demonstratedthat total uri-nary NAG excretion increased significantly postburn,and this increments sustained up to 27 days then de-clined,but still h igher than normal value even at 41PBD.The elevated level of urine NAG activity corre-lated positively w ith extent of burn injury as well asthe severity of postburn renal dan1age,Thesechanges of the urine NAG activity correlated posi-tively with the blood UN,Cr and occured earlier thanthose of the routine paran1eters such as BUN,Cr.Therefore,total urine NAG excretion can be em-ployed to detect the early damage of proximal tubulepostburn。
Modern Diagnosis and Treatment