Traditional CAD works suffer from unnatural human-machine interface supported by desktop system. With its character of immersion and interaction, virtual reality technique afford more natural interface of new generation to support designer. But owing to lack of modeling tools in virtual environment, the use of virtual reality technique is mostly limited to visualization in the product development process. This paper proposes a concept of immersive modeling based on system integration of virtual reality and CAD. Drawing on the study of different horizontal coupling and vertical coupling modes, two prototypes of integration are implemented between CUBE and 3DMAX. By one method, two systems are coupled in one process at the level of tessellation, which are transmitted through socket communicating between Unix and Windows platforms. The another more flexible approach is based on the VRMLfiles sharing. The resulting integrative VR-CAD systems can provide designers with an immersive environment, where they can use traditional CAD modeling tools to perform design works. Even though the complexity of the models that can be handled in real-time is limited in these two approaches, the prototypes demonstrate big potentials of the integrative concept.
Journal of Engineering Graphics