
The Carrier-Envelope Phase of Focused Few-Cycle Laser Pulses 被引量:4

The Carrier-Envelope Phase of Focused Few-Cycle Laser Pulses
摘要 The Gouy phase shift modulates the carrier-envelope phase of a focused few-cycle laser pulse. We investigate the variations of the carrier-envelope (CE) phase of a pulsed Gaussian beam on and off the axis by the first-order approximation and numerical calculation. The CE phase undergoes a π shift from minus infinity to infinity, and it changes fastest with distance at the focus. The variation of CE phase on propagation distance is nearly independent of pulse duration At when At is greater than lO fs and the first order approximation fits this result very well. The maximum difference of CE phase between a pulse with duration of one cycle and the result of first-order approximation is 0.09. The Gouy phase shift modulates the carrier-envelope phase of a focused few-cycle laser pulse. We investigate the variations of the carrier-envelope (CE) phase of a pulsed Gaussian beam on and off the axis by the first-order approximation and numerical calculation. The CE phase undergoes a π shift from minus infinity to infinity, and it changes fastest with distance at the focus. The variation of CE phase on propagation distance is nearly independent of pulse duration At when At is greater than lO fs and the first order approximation fits this result very well. The maximum difference of CE phase between a pulse with duration of one cycle and the result of first-order approximation is 0.09.
出处 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第1期110-112,共3页 中国物理快报(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Key Basic Research Special Foundation under Grant No TG1999075207, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 10104003 and 90101027.
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