Electron plasma induced by a focused femtosecond pulse (130 fs, 800 nm) in dielectric materials (Soda Lime glass, K9 glass, and SiO2 crystal) is investigated by pump-probe shadow imaging technology. The relaxation of the electron plasma in the conduction band is discussed. In SiO2 crystals, a fast self-trapping process with a trapping time of 150fs is observed, which is similar to that in fused silica. However, in Soda Lime glass and K9 glass, no self-trapping occurs, and two decay processes are found: one is the energy relaxation process of conduction electrons within several picoseconds, another is an electron-hole recombination process with a timescale of lOOps. The electron collision time T in the conduction band is also measured to be in the order of 1 fs in all of these materials.
Electron plasma induced by a focused femtosecond pulse (130 fs, 800 nm) in dielectric materials (Soda Lime glass, K9 glass, and SiO2 crystal) is investigated by pump-probe shadow imaging technology. The relaxation of the electron plasma in the conduction band is discussed. In SiO2 crystals, a fast self-trapping process with a trapping time of 150fs is observed, which is similar to that in fused silica. However, in Soda Lime glass and K9 glass, no self-trapping occurs, and two decay processes are found: one is the energy relaxation process of conduction electrons within several picoseconds, another is an electron-hole recombination process with a timescale of lOOps. The electron collision time T in the conduction band is also measured to be in the order of 1 fs in all of these materials.
Supported by the National Key Basic Research Special Foundation (NKBRSF) of China under Grant No TG1999075207, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 10104003, 90101027, and 10574006.