The history of advances of researches on the formation mechanism of pyrolytic carbon during high-temperature gasphase pyrolysis of hydrocarbons is thoroughly reviewed. The history was originated from two sharply contrasting viewpoints between Berthelot and Bone et al. at the beginning of the century. From that time up to the early thirties a large number of world-known investigators successively worked along this direction and enriched the theory of surface carbon deposition. The dispute between these two views, i. e. , Berthelot's 'gas-phase polymerization theory' and Bone's 'surface direct decomposition theory', was raised again in the early fifties, the representative of the former theory was Grisdale, andthat of the latter theory--Tesner. The classical works by Kinney in the mid and latefifties united the above two contrasting viewpoints into and unified and complete theory. The various theories about the carbon black formation are briefly reviewed and those theories that situate in the leading position in the modern carbon community are also indicated.