
雌激素对内膜癌细胞中FAK基因转录的影响 被引量:1

The effect of estrogen on the transcription of focal-adhesion kinase in endometrial carcinoma cells
摘要 目的定量观察雌激素刺激后内膜癌细胞的焦点粘连激酶(Focal-adhesionkinase,FAK)转录水平。方法不同浓度的17β-雌二醇体外刺激雌激素敏感的内膜癌细胞株RL95-2。加用三苯氧胺或ICI182,780雌激素拮抗剂的细胞及未加雌激素的细胞设为阴性对照。经不同作用时间后,采用实时RT-PCR方法测定处理后的细胞内FAK的mRNA水平。结果在给予不同浓度的雌激素共培养1d或5d后,细胞的FAK基因的转录水平对比阴性对照细胞无明显改变。结论雌激素对内膜癌细胞的FAK转录可能无显著影响。FAK基因在内膜癌组织中的过度表达的机理需要进一步深入研究。 Objective Focal- adhesion kinase (FAK) exerts its biological function through the growth- factor receptor- related tyrosine kinase signaling pathway. Recently, overexpression of FAK was observed in endometrial carcinomas. However, estrogen was also found to be involved in the same pathway. The aim of this study is to explore the effect of estrogen on the transcription of FAK. Methods Estrogen - sensitive human endometrial cancer cell line RL95 - 2 was treated with different concentration of 17β- estrodial with or without antagonists. After 1 or 5 days incubation, the mRNA level of FAK was determined by real - time RT- PCR. Results Neither after 1 - day nor 5 - days estrogen treatment, the FAK expression level in cells was not changed remarkably. Conclusions The FAK transcription in endometrial cancer cells might be not associated with estrogen stimulation. The underlining mechanisms of the FAK overexpression in endometrial cancer cells warrant further investigation.
出处 《中国妇产科临床杂志》 2006年第1期37-40,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 子宫内膜癌 雌激素 焦点粘连激酶 endometrial carcinomas estrogen focal - adhesion kinase
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