
4~5μm全固化可调谐激光实验研究 被引量:3

Experimentation of Tunable All-Solid-State Laser Producing4~5 μm Radiation
摘要 报道了采用KTP晶体和LiIO3晶体实现4~5μm可调谐激光输出的光参量振荡器(OPO)至差频产生器(DFG)的全同化结构和相应的实验结果。其中光参量振荡器的抽运源为倍频Nd:YAG激光,差频产生器的抽运源分别是上述光参量振荡器激光和Nd:YAG基频激光经KTP倍频晶体后剩余的1.064μm激光。实验中Nd:YAG基频脉冲激光脉宽12ns,单脉冲能量300mJ。观察到最大倍频效率达到66.7%,KTP参量量子转换效率达到50%,差频量子转换效率为1.5%,在4.45“μm得到了单脉冲100μJ的激光输出。差频光的调谐范围为4.1~4.5μm,发散角为垂直方向12mrad,水平方向4mrad。 An all-solid state LiIO3 difference frequency generator (DFG), pumped by a singly resonant KTP optical parametric oscillator (OPO) pumped by the second harmonic of a pulsed Nd: YAG laser, which have a pulse width of 12 ns and pulse energy of 300 mJ, operating at 1. 064μm and the fundamental frequency Nd:YAG laser, is experimentally demonstrated and analyzed. The maximum frequency-doubling conversion efficiency is 66.7%; quantum conversion efficiency of KTP OPO is 50%; the quantum conversion efficiency of difference frequency generator is 1.50%, and 100 μJ energy of single pulse is achieved at 4.45μm wavelength. The frequency tuning range is 4.1-4.5 μm. The beam divergence is 12 mrad in vertical direction and 4 mrad in horizontal direction.
出处 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期9-12,共4页 Chinese Journal of Lasers
关键词 非线性光学 光学差频产生器 光参量振荡器 角度调谐 相位匹配 nonlinear optics optical difference frequency generator optical parameter oscillator angle tuning phase matching
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