
刘焘行年考 被引量:2

A Study of the Biography of Poet Liu Tao
摘要 刘焘是北宋后期词人、书法家,元三年(1088)进士;元六年至八年,为曾布幕僚,后任定州安抚史管勾,与苏轼同僚;绍圣年间(1094—1097),任删定官;建中靖国元年(1101),任秘书省正字兼著撰;崇宁元年(1102),任监察御史;政和八年(1118),为淮南东路提刑;宣和七年(1125),除秘阁修撰;靖康(1126)中,因擅离官守,被劾致仕,后家居故乡长兴。 Liu Tao was a ci-poet and a calligrapher in the late Northern Song Dynasty. As an official, he was a colleague of Su Shi, who highly appreciated him. He exchanged ci-poems with Su and other poets such as Ye Mengde and Ge Shengzhong. However, his detailed biographical record has remained unknown and no one could ever make a related research. The authors of the paper have done a lot of research, criticism and collection in historical data, including notes, stone inscriptions, and biographies and works of poets of his time. All these show some important and valuable information about Liu Tao: He was born in Changxing, Huzhou in 1071 and died in 1131. He went to Imperial College at the age of 17, known as an “outstanding talented boy”, and became a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations under the emperor's supervision in 1088. Liu Tao once served as assistant to Prime Minister Zeng Bu, When Su was military commissioner, Liu was a manager of Clerks Office under Su. He wrote a letter of regards to Su, who had been dismissed in 1094 to a minor post in a different prefecture, sent a reply. Later, Liu served successively as proofreader of the Palace Library, investigating censor, and judicial commissioner. Having been accused of being absent from office without authorization in 1126, he resigned as compiler of the Imperial Archives. He spent his remaining years in his hometown until death. Liu Tao' s works can presumably be found in his 20-volume Collection of Viewing South Mountain (Jian Nanshan Ji ), which has been lost for long. Of all his ci-poems, only 11 is available, one of which——about wild——geese is very special. And there are only 7 shi-poems of his at present. Besides, noted for his vigorous cursive style of calligraphy, he compiled well more than 10 calligraphy model books, some being passed on.
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2006年第1期98-103,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(03BZW037)
关键词 北宋 刘焘 生平事迹 书法家 ci-poet of the Northern Song Dynasty Liu Tao biography calligrapher
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