3万年前这里曾是中华早期先民的一方乐土:“那时的自然景观近似现在的热带地区,有宽阔的湖泊,绿色的湖水……一簇簇低矮的灌木。丰茂的水草丛中,巨大的犀牛、野马、原始牛和活泼的羚羊正悠闲自得地啃食嫩叶: 远处的沙漠上,成群的鸵鸟嬉戏于沙丘之间。”
Shuidonggou Site is situated at Lingwu County of Ningxia Hui autonomous Region. The site reveals a late Paleolithic culture. Some 30000 years ago, the site was a land of promise for Chinese ancients in remote antiquity, where there were vast lakes, abundant water and grass, and the haunt of large flecks of rhinosr wild horses, antelopes and ostriches. This is the natural scenery we can not see for a long, long time in North China. The human being lived here 30000 years ago are called Lingwu Shuidonggou Man or Ningxia Man. Shuidonggou Culture is recognized as the start of the prehistory in the currently known history and culture of Ningxia.
Western China