
无线Ad hoc网络的现状研究 被引量:6

The Development of Wireless Ad hoc Network
摘要 无线Ad hoc网络是一种特殊的网络,具有分布式的体系结构。其组网简单灵活,支持随时随地通信。在军事,救灾等领域得到了广泛的应用。但由于它的无线多跳,动态拓扑特性对传统通信协议提出了挑战,它的应用还是受到了很大的局限。本文阐述了无线Ad hoc网络的移动、多跳、自组织特点;平面和分级式体系结构;并对无线Ad hoc的有效路由、MAC协议、网络安全和QoS支持等关键技术的研究现状和缺点进行了分析和介绍。 Wireless Ad hoe network has a distributed architecture. This type of networks can be organized voluntarily. It also supports ubiquitous communication, and be applied in military affairs, disaster - saving fields broadly. However, some of its performances such as wireless multi - hop, dynamic topology are challenging conventional protocols. This paper analyzed the mobile, multi - hop, self - organized performances of wireless Ad hoc network and its two types of architectures as well as the core technologies such as efficient routing, MAC, security of network and QoS guarantee.
作者 程艾芝
出处 《微处理机》 2005年第6期28-30,共3页 Microprocessors
关键词 无线AD HOC网络 多跳 动态拓扑 自组织 QoS Wireless Ad hoc network Multi - hop Dynamic topology Self - organized, QoS
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