《中华人民共和国公司法》仅对董事的忠实义务作出了原则规定,而与之密切联系的注意义务则 缺乏相应的反映,有关法律责任的规定更是无从谈起。为了适应发展的需要,督促董事勤勉工作,有效维护公 司、股东及债权人的利益,借鉴国外公司立法及司法判例完善这一制度就成了必然的选择。
Only the duty of loyalty on corporate directors is ordained, but the duty of care on it is not prowoed in our country' s corporation law. It is more impossible to regulate the legal responsibility on breaking the duty of care. Therefore, we should develop it from foreign legislative model and judicial practice to adapt the need of contemporary, to make directors try their best to work, and to protect parties's interest.
Journal of Nanyang Normal University