杜威作为一个具有世界影响的思想家,世界很多国家在诸多领域都有人对其思想进行过或正在 进行着研究。与其他国家相比,中国对其思想的研究主要集中于教育领域。这本身似乎就是一个值得思考的问 题。自1912年蔡元培首次“介绍”杜威到中国教育起,时至今日中国教育的“杜威研究”已历经90余年。在此期 间,从“杜威引入”到“杜威批判”再到“重新认识杜威”,中国教育的“杜威研究”取得了一些成绩,也走了弯路。 反思历史使我们认识到:中国教育既要突破以往以自身需要切割、肢解杜威教育思想的理论研究框架,又要避 免把杜威教育理论当成普遍真理“削足适履”运用于中国教育实践的操作模式,才能真正理解杜威和他的教育 思想,中国教育的“杜威研究”也才能最终从“独白”走向“对话”。
Concerning Dewey, as a thinker who has the world influence,a lot of nations learn in the philosophy, ethics, sociology, politics, pedagogy, psychology etc. many realms all someone carried on or wearing a research under way in the world. However in spite of past still now, compared with other another nations, China study of most, and a nice bit of research is concentration in education realm. This oneself seem to be a deserve thinking of problem. From.1912 Cai Yuanpei' s “introducted” Dewey into Chinese educational area first time, Chinese educational“Dewey research” has already experienced successively for more than 90 years up to now. Be from“Dewey lead into” to“Dewey criticize” at this period again to“re-know Dewey”, Chinese educational“Dewey research”has obtained some result, also walked curved road. Introspect the history makes us know: Chinese education should break earlier incising with Dewey' s education thought according to the ourselves demand, and aslo should avoid educating the Dewey' s theories to be make use of as the widespread truth“procrustean method”to practice in Chinese education, then We can be real and comprehend Dewey and his education thought, Chinese educational“the Dewey research” then can also end“dialogue” from “soliloquy” alignment.
Journal of Nanyang Normal University
Chinese education
Dewey research