The theory holds that aesthetic education is aiming at cultivating and developing the human aesthetic judgement, so at the angle of value function, it regards aesthetic education a.s a powerful means or an important tool. Its main contribution is that it has put forward the new concept of the "education for aesthetic establishment", i.e. it stands for establishing the form of aesthetic education before giving full play to the cultivating function and organizing the activities of aesthetic appreeiation. What the pr'evious edueational view held in the past is not the case: the aesthetic education is only simple copying or using of external beauty such as natural beauty, scientific beauty, social beauty, art beanty, etc. The change of this conception from" external" to "internal" marks a new breakthrough off the previous study and research of aesthetic education. It starts the train of thought for the appearance of a completely new aesthetic and education view.
Aesthetic Establishment, Form of Aesthetic Education
Function of Aesthetic Education