目的探讨阴茎异常勃起的诊断、治疗及预后。方法阴茎异常勃起患者14例,其中血管活性药物所致8例,白血病所致2例,会阴外伤所致1例,原因不明3例。给予海绵体血气分析、阴茎彩色多普勒超声等检查,海绵体穿刺减压及分流手术等治疗。结果13例为低流量型异常勃起,1例为高流量型,治疗后异常勃起均缓解。随访3 ̄46个月,4例发生不同程度的海绵体纤维化或勃起功能障碍。结论海绵体血气分析和彩色多普勒超声等检查有助于阴茎异常勃起准确及时的诊断;早期及时正确的治疗是避免低流量型异常勃起患者术后发生海绵体纤维化、勃起功能障碍的关键。
[Objective] To explore the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of priapism. [Methods] Fourteen patients with priapism were evaluated by cavernous blood gas analysis, color duplex ultrasonography. 8 cases of priapism resulted from intracavernosal injection of vaso-active agents, 2 frin keyjaenua, 1 from perineal trauma and 3 from unknown cause. [Results] Among them, 13 were of low flow and 1 was of high flow. After treatment, all patients were cured. During the follow-up of 3 to 46 months, 4 cases had cavernous fibrosis of penis or erection dysfunction. [Conclusions] Cavernous blood gas analysis and color duplex Itrasonography are helpful to the diagnosis of priapism accurately and timely. Correct and early teatment is essential to avoid cavernous fibrosis and erection dysfunction.
China Journal of Modern Medicine