GIS平台已经经历了面向个人、项目和企业的三大变革。以GE Smallworld为代表的面向企业的GIS是这一变革中的一个标志。从GE Smallworld里产生的一些重要的概念、技术已经成为工业界的标准和追求目标,例如版本管理、无缝数据存储和长事务管理等。这些技术为企业级GIS奠定了坚实的基础。本文将重点介绍企业级GIS平台的特点,并向读者展示GE Smallworld企业级的系统结构和功能。
GIS platform has gone through three major evolutions, ie. single user oriented, project-oriented and enterprise level. A famous enterprise GIS, GE Smallworld, has been noted as one of the major milestones of these evolutions. Some key concepts and technologies advocated by GE Smallworld has become industry standard and teehnology trend, for example, version management, seamless database and long transaction etc. These technologies have laid down a sohd foundation for enterprise GIS. This paper focuses on the advantages of enterprise GIS and unfolds key features and enterprise architecture of GE Smallworld.
Geomatics World