Forest resources is limited inNanhai District of Foshan city. Since theimplementation of classified forestmanagement, the forests have not producedthe best ecological benefit, due to itsweakness in resistance to diseases andpests, forest fire and air pollution resultingfrom the simple species composition of theforests. Starting from 1997, XijiaoMountain in Nanhai District has been takenas an emphasis for forest standimprovement using the close-to-naturemanagement method, following the naturallaw of succession of forest community.Significant outcome have been achieved.
Forest resources is limited in Nanhai District of Foshan city. Since the implementation of classified forest management, the forests have not produced the best ecological benefit, due to its weakness in resistance to diseases and pests, forest fire and air pollution resulting from the simple species composition of the forests. Starting from 1997, Xijiao Mountain in Nanhai District has been taken as an emphasis for forest stand improvement using the close-to-nature management method, following the natural law of succession of forest community. Significant outcome have been achieved.
Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry