从确诊的HIV-1感染者的全血样本中提取基因组DNA,经套式聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增其gag蛋白P17/P24交界区基因片断后,将扩增产物进行纯化和测序,分析其氨基酸序列。进而了解所检出的病毒基因变异和分子流行病学特征。结果发现,HIV-1 CRF01-AE亚型病毒分别与3株不同来源的国际参考毒株具有紧密的亲缘关系,表明这些毒株可能分别由不同的传播路线进入我国大陆境内。
Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood sample from HIV-1 diagnosed patient, Nested PCR were carried out and PCR products of gag P17/P24 gene were purified and used directly for sequencing, Sequence analysis of HIV-1 CRF01-AE subtype viruses was performed, and the characteristics of genetic variation of HIV-1 CRF01AE subtype viruses and molecular epidemiology were studied, The experiment showed that there were close relations between HIV-1 CRF01-AE subtype viruses and three different reference sequences of same subtype respectively. The results suggested that HIV-1 CRF01-AE subtype viruses in the experiment might be transferred into China by different transmit routes,
Journal of Microbiology