

Spatial Data Mining Technique and Its Application
摘要 面对数据的数量和复杂性急剧增加的问题,首先讨论了数据挖掘技术的研究进展,并对数据挖掘在空间数据库中的应用进行了深入地探讨。然后提出三种基于空间数据挖掘、空间数据仓库、智能决策支持系统(IDSS)和范例推理(CBR)技术的智能推理体系结构,并对这三种体系结构的优劣进行了分析对比,其中以第三种结构为优。最后对空间数据挖掘在各领域中的应用前景以及有待解决的问题进行了展望。 facing the problem of the increase of amount and complexity of data, the current research situation in data mining is discussed,and then the application of data mining in spatial data base. Three kinds of software architectures are presented based on the integration of spatial data mining, intelligent decision support system and case-based reasoning technique. With their advantage and disadvantage discussed, it is found that the third is gc, od. Finally, the prospect of application of spatial data mining and the existing problem are discussed.
出处 《安徽理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2005年第4期60-63,共4页 Journal of Anhui University of Science and Technology:Natural Science
基金 安徽省教育厅自然科学基金资助项目(05050701 05010703)
关键词 知识发现 数据挖掘 空间数据挖掘 体系结构 knowledge discovery data mining spatial data mining arehiteeture
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