
变异修辞的认知透视 被引量:5

Cognitive Studies of Deviated Rhetoric
摘要 变异修辞包括辞格变异和非辞格变异两类,指的是刻意用偏离常规的方式运用语言材料以取得特定交际效果的现象。由于变异修辞是行文的非常手段,交际中其语言单位的原始意义须向动态的语用意义进行多层转换,其构建与解读更须依赖交际双方(尤其是接受方)的认知心理与状态,认知语言学自然成为分析变异修辞的一个理想的理论框架。利用认知语言学的基本原则,对变异修辞的发生、构建与解读机制进行初步探讨,认为变异修辞的种种手法如同隐喻一样,“不仅是语言的,也是概念的,行为的”,认知语言学对变异修辞的本质和运作机理具有极强的解释力。 Deviated rhetoric is refered to rhetoric figures and other similar linguistic means characteristic of their deviation from norm for specific communicative effects. In deviated - rhetoric communication, a multi - level transferability is necessary from the static primary meaning to the dynamic pragmatic meaning of the deviated - rhetoric embodied language, which makes its successful construction and conveyance more dependent on the cognitive psychology and process of both communicators especially the receptor. Cognitive linguistics can naturally serve as an ideal theoretical framework for its study. The paper follows the cogni- tive approach to analyze the occurrence, construction and conveyance of deviated rhetoric, with the conclusions that various forms of deviated rhetoric, as well as metaphor, are nat only “a matter of ordinary language” bat also “a matter of thought and action”, that cognitive linguistic can be employed to well explain how deviated rhetoric is made and how it works.
作者 肖建安 曾立
出处 《湖南人文科技学院学报》 2005年第6期89-92,共4页 Journal of Hunan University of Humanities,Science and Technology
基金 湖南省社科基金课题(03ZC82) 株洲市社科项目
关键词 变异 变异修辞 认知 deviation deviated rhetoric cognition
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