
论法国疆界变迁的政治学 被引量:1

Politics in the Transitions of French Frontiers
摘要 法国疆界变迁是一个重大的历史问题,并具有深刻的政治学含义。本文试以纵向与横向两种视角来考察法国的疆界变迁及政治学含义。一个是作为确保安全的“天然疆界”政策的扩展和变迁(纵向),另一个是作为坚持协调对称的“六角国”思想的变迁和最终成型(横向)。纵向过程反映了法国在对外关系上寻求霸权和安全,这一点是以时间为线索充分展开评述;横向过程反映了法国对内政策上立足提升国民自豪感和归属感,增强民族凝聚力,这一点从文献学的视角充分展开评述。一外一内政策的相互影响,呈现了法国寻求内外兼修、追求大国地位的梦想。 The transition of French frontiers is an important historical event of profound political implications. Based on relevant references, this paper examines the transition and its political implications from both transverse and longitudinal aspects. There are two main focuses of the paper, one is the enlargement and evolution of “natural frontiers” that insured the safety (the transverse), and the other is the evolution and formation of “hexagon” that insisted on harmony and symmetry (the longitudinal). It argues that, while the transverse aspect reflects the effortsof France to seek hegemony and security in its foreign relations (sequence's clue), the longitudinal aspect reflects its efforts to promote national identity and cohesion of internal policy (literature's clue). And these efforts show that France is forging its interior and exterior frontiers consistently and simultaneously to realize its dream to become a great power.
作者 刘作奎
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期14-31,共18页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
  • 相关文献


  • 1Norman J.G. Vounds,"The Origins of the Idea of Natural Frontiers in France",Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol.41,No. 2, June 1951.
  • 2"France and 'Les Limites Naturelles' from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Centuries", Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol.44, No. 1, March 1954.
  • 3Nathaniel B. Smith,"The Idea of the French Hexagon", French Historical Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, Autumn 1969.
  • 4Peter Sahlins, "Natural Frontiers Revisited: France's Boundaries since the Seventeenth Century", The American Historical Review, Vol. 95, No. 5, December 1990.
  • 5Norman J. Pounds, "The Origin of the Idea of Natural Frontiers in France".
  • 6W.M. Jordan, Great Britain, France and German problems 1919 - 1939, London : Oxford University Press, 1939, p. 170.
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