目的探讨13-甲基肉豆蔻酸的调节血糖作用及其可能机理。方法小鼠连续5d灌胃给药,对小鼠腹腔注射葡萄糖或肾上腺素的高血糖模型的血糖影响试验。提取大鼠骨骼肌线粒体,在试管内研究药物对CPT-Ⅰ酶活性影响。结果13-M TD能降低小鼠注射葡萄糖及肾上腺素所致的高血糖,并有剂量依赖关系。对骨骼肌线粒体CPT-Ⅰ酶有直接的抑制作用。结论13-M TD对小鼠有降低血糖的作用,是骨骼肌线粒体CPT-Ⅰ酶的抑制剂。
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of 13-methyltetradecanoic acid on glucose metabolism in mice. METHODS ICR mice were fed with the drug daily for 5d and the blood glucose was detected after injection with glucose or adrenaline, with mitochondria isolated from SD rat skeletal muscle,CPT- Ⅰ activity was detected in vitro. RESULTS ina dose-dependent manner. depress high blood glucose, it 13-MTD can decrease the mice blood glucose after injection of glucose or adrenaline It can inhibit the skeletal muscle CPT- Ⅰ activity. CONCLUSION 13-MTD can is a skeletal muscle type CPT- Ⅰ enzyme inhibitor.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal