OBJECTIVE A HPLC method for the determination of Chloramphenicol (Chl) and Clotrimazole (Clo) in Compound Clotrimazole was established. METHODS A column (KromasilC18) was used with methanol -0. 3290mol · L^-1KHPO4 (32 : 68) as mobile phase. RESULTS The detection wave length was 260nm . The linearity range and average recovery rate for Chl were 9.96-89.64μg ~ mL^-1, r =0. 9992, and 99.40% ;while those for Clo were 63.98-575.82μg · mL^-1, r =0.9994, and 99.72% . CONCLUSION The method could be used to detemine the content of Chloramphenicol and Clotrimazole in Compoud Clotrimazole rapidly and accurately.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal