第七届中意国际葡萄酒展(Vinitaly China)再次于上海展览中心举行.2005年11月24~26日百余家意大利及国际酒商将云集上海,在Vinitaly China这个全球葡萄酒行业在中国的盛会展示其酿造的美酒.
With over 4000 exhibitors from all over the world and 140, 000 visitors, Vinitaly is the most prestigious and important annual gathering of the wine making industry. Continuing with the international flavour which distinguishes this event, Veronafiere has renewed this year's appointment with China by bringing you the 7th Edition of Vinitaly China, International Wine Fair, which will be held in Shanghai from 24th to 26th November 2005, at the centrally-located Shanghai Exhibition Center.
China Food Industry