目的了解张掖市麻疹流行病学特征,为制定控制麻疹策略提供科学依据.方法对张掖市1995~2004年麻疹疫情资料和2000年发生的爆发及麻疹疫苗(MV)应急免疫效果进行描述流行病学分析.结果近10年累计发生麻疹1 059例,年平均发病率8.54/10万.发生爆发1起,发病466例,发病率43.63/10万.麻疹发病有明显的季节性,4~6月为发病高峰,小学生发病居多.应急免疫前2~15岁儿童麻疹抗体阳性率和几何平均滴度(GMT)分别为64.46%和1:55.02,应急免疫后抗体阳性率升至99.10%,GMT达到1:1 347.结论控制麻疹应提高MV接种率和接种质量,加强主动监测和疫情报告,开展抗体水平监测,调整MV免疫程序.
Objective To understand the epidemic situation and drafting control strategy of measles in Zhangye City. Methods The epidemic characteristics of measles from 1995-2004 and measles outbreaks and intensive immunity effects since 2000 have been analyzed. Results The results showed that 1059 measles cases were reported during 1995-2004, and annual average incidence was 8.54/10 millon. One measles outbreak has occurred and 466 cases (43.63/10 millon) were reported. The epidemic characteristic of outbreak and the incidence from 1995-2004 was consistent: Each year from April to June measles is its peak time,and most of measles cases were among the children under 15 years old. Before intensive immunity, the antibody positive rate was 64.46 96 and GMT was 1 : 55.02 ; after intensive immunity: the positive rate was 99.10 % and GMT reached 1 : 1347. Conclusion We should continue to strengthen the general immunization on measles, improving the ratio of the vaccination and the effective injection, strengthen the supervision and report of the measles' epidemic situation, as well as the survillance of the antibody levels in healthy adults, adjust the current procedures of the measles immunity.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
Epidemiologic characteristic
Control strategy
Intensive immunity