目的:评估我院抗肿瘤药物的使用状况及发展趋势.方法:采用金额排序法和频度分析法对我院2002年~2004年3年中抗肿瘤药物的使用情况进行统计、分析.结果:我院使用的抗肿瘤药物用药金额2002年、2003年、2004年分别为10 046.4、13 455.84、15 572.7万元,呈逐年上升趋势.奥沙利铂(乐沙定)的销售金额呈现后来居上之势,紫杉醇(特素)则连续3年稳居榜首.结论:抗肿瘤植物药、单抗药物和基因疗法将成为以后肿瘤治疗的主要趋势.
OBJECTIVE: To survey and evaluate the status and the trend of antieaneer drugs used in our hospital. METHODS: By the order of amount of money and frequency analysis, the use of anticancer drugs in our hospital from 2002 - 2004 was made a statistical analysis. RESULTS:Consumptive amounts of money of anticancer drugs in the year 2002, 2003 and 2004 were respectively 10 046.4, 13 455.84 and 15 572.7 ten thousand yuan. The costs increased year by year. Oxaliplatin showed the tendency that the latecomers surpassed the early starters in marketing amount of money, but paclitaxel had continuously dominated the first place during the 3 years (2002 - 2004). CONCLUSTION : Vegetable anticancer drugs, monoantibody and gene therapy will become the predominant measures in tumor therapy in the future.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
anticancer drugs
analysis of drug use