本文介绍了电子背散射衍射接收装置,该装置的CCD以快速方式接收的灵敏度为5 m lux,积累方式接收的灵敏度为10μlux,,分辨率为512 dpi,扫描卡最高的分辨率为4 096×4 096。并成功地安装在北京有色金属研究总院JSM-840扫描电镜上。此系统设计合理、结构简单、操作方便安全。成功的编写了识别和标定电子背散射衍射花样的软件,可给出测试样品的电子图像、极图、反极图、取向图及微取向分布图(ODF)。
This paper describes an electronic back scanning diffraction system, which has been successfully developed for a JSM-840 SEM at GRINM. The design of the system is reasonable, and the construc- tion is compact. The CCD sensitivity of the system is 5 μlux at live video rate, and 10 μlux for the normal integration mode, with a CCD resolution of 512 dpi. The highest resolution of the scanning card is 4096 × 4 096. The system is easy to operate, safe and reliable. The diffraction pattern bands can be automatically identified and displayed indexed by using appropriate software. EBSD data for crystal orientation analyses can be shown as pole figures, inverse pole figures (sample normal and transverse directions) , crystal orientation maps and orientation distribution functions, together with an electron micrograph of the area from which the orientation data are collected.
Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis