
固相混合法制备Ce:LSO粉体的研究 被引量:1

Synthesis of Ce:LSO Powders by Mixing Oxides Solid Method
摘要 采用高纯氧化镥、氧化硅及氧化铈粉体混合后分别在600℃、900℃及1200℃进行煅烧2h,当煅烧温度为1200℃时,有少量硅酸镥生成,但仍有大量氧化镥和氧化硅残留,制备出的粉体颗粒呈不规则状,带有较尖锐的棱角,而且随着反应温度的升高,有明显的团聚现象。在对1200℃煅烧粉体的光谱检测中发现了266nm吸收宽峰,位于381nm的荧光发射峰,位于298nm处的荧光激发峰,与硅酸镥单晶相比,各峰位置有所偏移。 High purity Lu2O3, SiO2 and CeO2 powders were mixed and calcined at 600℃ ,900℃. and 1200℃ for 2 hours. A small amount of LSO were synthesized at 1200℃, but a great many Lu2O3 and SiO2 were remained. The particles shapes are various, and conglomeration phenomena are worse with the rise of calcining temperature. The broad 266nm absorption band, the 381nm emission band and the 298nm excitation band were found during testing the spectrum of powers calcined at 1200℃. Compared with LSO single crystal, the bands of powders offset appreciably.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期1088-1091,共4页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
基金 浙江省教育厅科研项目(No.20040980)资助
关键词 掺铈硅酸镥 固相混合法 粉体 光潜 Ce : LSO mixing oxides solid method powders spectrum
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