Urban Traffic Flow Guidance System (UTFGS) and Urban Traffic Control System (UTCS) are two effective traffic management methods in ITS. In this paper, from the point of system optimization, a traffic follow equilibrium assignment model is presented with the aim of minimizing the total travel time of the network. In the model, the link cost contains travel time between two intersections plus delay at the downstream intersection. To make the model easier solved, the paper introduces the definition of congestion measurement, and presents a quasi equilibrium assignment algorithm. The algorithm may not have enough ability to make the congested traffic flow become smooth immediately, but disseminate traffic guidance information (via broadcast or in-vehicle equipment) to divert oversaturated traffic volume under certain traffic demand at consecutive intervals. At the same time, optimal traffic signal timing is got predict traffic flow reassignment with considering drivers behaviors. Thus, through the dynamic coordination of UTFGS and UTCS, the equilibrium traffic flow comes into being.
Urban Traffic Flow Guidance System, Urban Traffic Control System, Coordination, Quasi Equilibrium Assignment