DDOS(Distributed denial of service)分布式拒绝服务攻击,是目前黑客经常采用并且极为有效的网站攻击手段.由于它利用了用户必须采用的TCP/IP协议的漏洞,较难以防范,故而文章详细介绍了这种攻击方式,重点叙述黑客组织并发起的DDoS攻击过程,最后结合国内网络安全的现况探讨了一些网站防御DDoS的实际手段.
DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service)is a common effective means employed by hackers to attack internet websites at present. The difficulty in DDOS prevention lies in the fact that it takes advantage of a bug in the universally--adopted TCP/IP protocols. Since presently there still aren't effective ways in protecting websites from its attack, this paper attempts to introduce the whole process in which hackers carry out their organized attack. Meanwhile, this paper makes a research of some actual defense measures carried out by some websites.
Journal of Xuzhou Istitute of Technology